Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Rain Drops Keep Falling on My Head

so there we were sitting in California Kitchen Pizza along with my team here at Stamford and both Offshore and Onsite delivery managers asking questions from us regarding how to get this project from client for Managed services or rather asking how to save the projects from going into the hands of another vendor.
Well dinner was good a 'Veg Pizza' and a pepsi along. After finishing the dinner as we stepped out something was in the was just today that I felt so much cold while coming to the office that i wished to go back home halfway onwards. When we leaving the office for dinner I checked the local temperature and it was -2 degrees but due to wind chill it felt like -7. Seeing this i asked my colleague why it doesnt snows here to which he said below 0 doesnt means that it should snow so i agreed feeling his experience of stay at onsite.
Add to that anu had sent a couple of snaps of snow covered roads and cars outside her house which made me even more intuitive about the snowfall.
But God had some other plans and he showered us with his small pieces of love in the form of snow. Again the cold was unbearable on the way back home but it was something to be cherished.
It was very less as compared to what we have seen in pictures or on tv.
Yes I had witnessed the first snow of the season here in stamford :)


Addy said...

veg pizza for dinner ??? A full tandoor chicken - thats what I last remember :) !!
u ok there ? want me to call you ??

Kapil Munish said...

it was a Tuesday so i don't eat non-veg on tuesday.